Plugin Round-Up 4/6/09

There's been a lot of SketchUp Plugin activity in the past few weeks...

The author of SunTools plugin, Guedi Capeluto, has join the SCF and is providing support for it in this topic.

pecan released a new debugging plugin for SketchUp/Ruby on Windows:

SuRDebug is a Microsoft Windows GUI editor and shell surrounding Google SketchUp and the Ruby-Debug debugger.

It consists of wxSTEditor by John Labenski, Ruby-Debug debugger by Kent Sibilev, Google SketchUp, modifications and glue clode by Pecan Heber

How it Works
SuRDebug runs SketchUp as a sub process. It captures all I/O from RDebug (aka Ruby-Debug.rb) and the SketchUp Console by way of the standard I/O pipes. It interprets the captured data, presents it to the user by way of the editor, and drives the debugger from user editor actions .
In case you missed it, Fredo6 released his jaw-dropping update to FreeScale - FreeScale 2. It adds bending and stretching tools. Definitely a must-have.

SCF member thomthom released a plugin named Explode All Images - you'll never guess what it does. Give up? Ok, it "Iterates all Images and explodes them. Hides the edges and option to group."

The multi-talented Chris Fullmer is quickly becoming a Ruby Master by releasing a dozen or so plugins in the past couple months.

Matt666 released 2 new plugins: Component/Group Tools and another to set the Shadow time to now().

Finally, the prolific TIG released AddFaces which "simply adds faces to selected edges if it can."

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